I have just returned from a wonderful and well-needed month of visiting friends, family and their sweet new babies! It was the perfect way to end the summer and although it was definitely difficult to say goodbye, I am ready
I feel like every day we are bombarded by news on the newest dietary supplement or must have meal replacements and it only gets harder and harder to follow. It’s like trying to keep up with which Kardashian is getting
What a morning! I started on turtle patrol at 6 am and before the sun had even risen and my coffee had a chance to kick in my emotions went from complete devastation to complete elation in matter of minutes.
The combination of my ever decreasing stamina (thanks bubs) and my concrete commitment to eating healthy for 2 has made my grocery store visits a much more organized task than in the past. I have found over the last 5
Over the years of my trials and tribulations on finding a healthy diet regime that fits my taste and lifestyle, there has always been one consistent conclusion that I have found in every food plan. That is to eat as
It is hard to believe that the holiday season is upon us and Thanksgiving is only a week away! I have so incredibly much to be grateful for this year and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world
My Thursdays always begin with the wonderful weekly ritual of sprinting out of bed at 5 am to take out the trash and recycling as I race to beat the garbage truck to my curb. This morning was a success
In exactly 4 days Kayden James Lindner will be 5 months old and I truly cannot believe it! When my mom used to tell me how “time flies” and reminisce about how “I remember when you were … and you
I have always loved October. I think it is because it begins with my birthday followed by Vallee’s birthday in the middle and then ends with a holiday celebrated with endless amounts of sugar. My sweet tooth is always supremely
I’m sure many of you are like me. I wake up in the morning, stagger into the kitchen half asleep and turn the coffee pot on, pop some frozen waffles into the toaster ( I’m severely addicted to Kashi’s wholegrain
This week has been one of the most memorable and special as Aunt Vanessa finally got to meet sweet baby Kayden!!! We have been enjoying every minute of our family time together! Here are some of the pictures of our
This weekend was a special treat for me as I was lucky enough to spend it with one of my most dear friends and her beautiful family on a crystal clear lake in Michigan. It was lovely. I got to
Three years ago, I embarked on a journey that has left me forever changed. I signed up to volunteer for a 10 week marine conservation expedition to study and survey coral reefs in the Seychelles islands. I had only been
Below I have reviewed 5 of my most treasured baby products that have helped Kayden and I tremendously these past 5 weeks! Please leave your favorites in the comments section below! Thanks so much! 1. Boppy Newborn Lounger 2. Double
I can’t think of a better remedy for fighting the blues than soaking in some sunshine, getting sandy and salty at the beach and spending time with good friends. And that is just how I spent my Sunday. Oh how
One of my biggest fears when first learning of my pregnancy back in October was the dreaded arrival of stretch marks. I read a ton of articles and researched every miracle cream on the market and I am proud to
With my husband leaving for deployment this summer, I am planning on keeping myself sane by staying busy with plenty of projects. On my list so far are starting a cleanse, juicing, surfing, taking some courses through Coursera, reconnecting with
There is nothing I enjoy more during the hot days of summer than cooling off with a dip in the ocean and planning a trip to a place where I can spend some quality time face to face with my
This July 4th will be a very memorable one for me as I will be BBQing on the deck of a Navy warship. I will be joining my husband as he stands duty and I can’t think of a more
Now that I’m back from my three-week maternity leave, I am overjoyed to announce the birth of my baby boy, Kayden James Lindner. He was born on the morning of June 9, 2013 at 9:35 AM, and weighed in at